First images of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupting

Helicopter overflight of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano after eruption.
2024-06-04 05:06:40

Watch live: Volcano erupts in Iceland

A new volcanic eruption has begun on Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula, throwing up magma plumes of up to 50m.
2024-05-29 18:08:39

Indonesian police raid drug lab in Bali villa

Post Content
2024-05-13 17:08:26

Cold lava sweeps villages near volcano, killing 37

Heavy rains washed volcanic debris and pebbles down Mount Marapi in Indonesia.
2024-05-13 07:08:30

Cold lava sweeps villages near volcano, killing 37

Post Content
2024-05-13 06:07:39

Ruang volcano erupts with fierce lightning storm, blazes nearby school

Post Content
2024-04-30 22:08:35

Indonesia's Ruang volcano erupts in spectacular fashion

Post Content
2024-04-18 01:06:52

Watch: Volcano in Indonesia spews lava and smoke

Hundreds of people have been evacuated as Mount Ruang continues to erupt for the second day.
2024-04-18 00:06:45

Dazzling artwork found at ancient city of Pompeii

Archaeologists unearth significant new paintings in the ancient Roman town buried by a volcano in AD79.
2024-04-11 09:11:02

17,000 earthquakes hit Iceland in the past week. An eruption could be imminent

Even for a volcanic island accustomed to the occasional tremor, this has been an unusual week for Iceland. According to the Icelandic Meteorological Office, around 17,000 earthquakes have hit the southwestern region of Reykjanes over the past week.
2021-03-04 02:05:45

17 ezer földrengés volt a múlt héten Izlandon, vulkánkitörés jöhet

Még egy olyan vulkanikus sziget esetében, mint Izland is mozgalmas volt az elmúlt hét: 17 ezernél több földrengést jegyzett fel ezen idő alatt az ország meteorológiai szolgálata. Főleg igaz ez úgy, hogy az összes rengés Izland dél-nyugati részén történt, ahol az izlandiak kétharmada él. A CNN cikke szerint a legerősebb földrengés a Richter-skála szerint 5,6-os volt, ezen kívül két erősebb rengést mértek. A közepesen erős földrengések egyelőre nem okoztak túl sok kárt. A cikkben megszólaló izlandiak azt mondják, hozzá vannak szokva a rengésekhez, de ilyen sokra egymás után nem emlékeznek. ?orv...
2021-03-04 11:06:20

Indonesia bus carrying school children plunges into ravine, killing 27

A bus carrying school children and parents returning from an excursion plunged into a ravine on the Indonesian island of Java on Wednesday night, killing 27 people, the country's transportation ministry said.
2021-03-11 08:05:44

Rescuers arrive at deadly bus crash site in Indonesia

A bus carrying school children and parents returning from an excursion plunged into a ravine on the Indonesian island of Java killing 27 people, the country's transportation ministry said. There were 39 survivors.
2021-03-11 19:05:59

Australia's wildfires released as much smoke as a massive volcanic eruption, study finds

Australia's devastating recent wildfires thrust as much smoke into the Earth's atmosphere as a powerful volcanic eruption, causing cooling over the region's oceans with potentially long-lasting impacts, according to the authors of a new study.
2021-03-18 21:05:43

Woman buys traditional house for $8,000, ships it across Indonesia to create Bali dream home

Bali first captured Kayti Denham's heart when she came to the Indonesian island for her honeymoon in the 1980s.
2021-03-19 02:06:06

Woman buys traditional house for $8,000, ships it across Indonesia to create Bali dream home

Bali first captured Kayti Denham's heart when she came to the Indonesian island for her honeymoon in the 1980s.
2021-03-19 04:05:39

Iceland reports volcanic eruption near Reykjavík

Iceland has reported a volcanic eruption on the south-west Reykjanes Peninsula, the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) tweeted Friday.
2021-03-20 01:05:40

Volcano erupts near Iceland's capital Reykjavik

Officials are warning the public of the risk of falling rocks and landslides as Fagradalsfjall erupts.
2021-03-20 01:06:15

She wanted a dream house in Bali. This is what happened

Bali first captured Kayti Denham's heart when she came to the Indonesian island for her honeymoon in the 1980s.
2021-03-20 11:05:49

Icelandic volcano erupts near Reykjavik

Aerial footage shows lava snaking its way down after the eruption.
2021-03-20 12:06:32

Iceland volcano: Lava-spewing Fagradalsfjall 'subsiding'

The eruption was the first in the area for about 800 years and followed thousands of earthquakes.
2021-03-20 22:06:16

Iceland volcano remains hazardous after eruption near Reykjavík

Volcanic activity has "somewhat decreased" in the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland, southwest of the capital Reykjavík, where a volcano erupted Friday night, the the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) announced Saturday.
2021-03-21 20:05:40

Philippine troops rescue Indonesian hostages and kill Abu Sayyaf leader

Philippine troops have killed a leader of the Abu Sayyaf kidnap-for-ransom group and rescued four Indonesian hostages held since last year, the military said on Sunday.
2021-03-22 05:05:42

Merész drónfelvétel készült a kitörő láváról

Ahogy korábban megírtuk, 900 év után, péntek este ismét kitört az izlandi Fagradalsfjall. A vulkán Reykjavíktól 30 kilométerre délnyugatra fekszik, az esemény során senki sem sérült meg. A hasonló, kisebb kitörések gyakran csalogatják oda a helyieket, akik előszeretettel örökítik meg a forró lávát. Így volt ez a Fagradalsfjall esetében is, Bjorn Steinbekk például egy drónt reptetett meg a forró kőzetolvadék felett ? írja a The Verge. A férfi közösségi oldalaira töltötte fel a lenyűgöző felvételt. A videó alapján úgy tűnik, a drón rendkívül közel került az izzó lávához, feltételezhető, hogy az...
2021-03-22 13:07:21

Iceland volcano eruption: Onlookers flock to see Mount Fagradalsfjall

People have trekked to Mount Fagradalsfjall after lava started bursting out on Friday evening.
2021-03-22 15:08:03

See people roast hot dogs on erupting volcano in Iceland

A volcano in Iceland erupted after tens of thousands of earthquakes disturbed the magma underground.
2021-03-23 02:06:43

See people roast hot dogs on erupting volcano in Iceland

A volcano in Iceland erupted after tens of thousands of earthquakes disturbed the magma underground.
2021-03-23 15:05:46

See volcano erupt in Iceland

2021-03-23 23:06:06

Volcanic ash shuts down international airport in Guatemala

Guatemalan authorities have closed Guatemala's international airport as volcanic ash blanketed planes and runways on Tuesday.
2021-03-23 23:06:06

Iceland: Up close drone footage of volcanic eruption

A drone captures spectacular images as lava spews from Iceland's Fagradalsfjall volcano.
2021-03-24 16:07:33

See volcano erupt in Iceland

? By the end of the century, summer weather could last half a year (that's not a good thing)
2021-03-24 22:05:43

Icelandic man gets naked next to erupting volcano

Stripping off a few layers when things heat up can often be the most natural thing in the world.
2021-03-25 18:08:09

Öngyilkos merényletet hajtottak végre egy katolikus templomnál Indonéziában

Bomba robbant egy római katolikus templomnál az indonéziai Makassar városában virágvasárnap reggelén, írja a Reuters. A Twitteren már terjednek a közelben lévő köztéri kamera felvételei, ezen látszik, hogy a detonációt a templom előtt, közvetlenül az út mellett hajtotta végre egy motoros. A robbanás során a gyülekezet a templomban tartózkodott, legkevesebb tíz ember megsebesült,a legtöbbjük súlyosan, halálos áldozatokról eddig nem érkeztek hírek. A videó végén, 0.50-től a robbanás: #BREAKINGNEWS an explosion has occurred outside a Catholic church in the Indonesian city of Makassar#GerejaKate...
2021-03-28 08:07:39

Makassar explosion: Worshippers wounded in Indonesian church bombing

Police say suicide bombers attacked the church during a Palm Sunday service in Makassar.
2021-03-28 08:07:50

WATCH LIVE: Volcano erupts in Iceland

2021-04-01 03:05:45

Easter eggs, volcano volleyball and cool cats...

Cherry blossom, animal Easter egg hunts and some of the other stories you may have missed.
2021-04-03 15:07:37

Floods and landslides kill dozens in Indonesia

Flash floods unleashed by torrential rains killed 41 people on the Indonesian island of Flores on Sunday, the disaster management agency BNPB said, and at least three more were reported killed in neighbouring East Timor.
2021-04-04 18:05:47

Floods, landslides, kill dozens in Indonesia and East Timor

Flash floods unleashed by torrential rains killed 41 people on the Indonesian island of Flores on Sunday, the disaster management agency BNPB said, and at least three more were reported killed in neighbouring East Timor.
2021-04-04 22:05:40

Island on red alert for 'imminent' volcanic eruption

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves on Thursday declared a disaster alert prompted by a change in the eruptive activity at the La Soufri?re volcano, according to the country's National Emergency Management Organization.
2021-04-09 03:05:41

Saint Vincent volcano: Soufri?re erupts amid mass evacuation

Over 16,000 people were evacuated ahead of the eruption of La Soufri?re on Saint Vincent island.
2021-04-09 16:06:17

Volcano erupts in the Caribbean, sending ash over three miles into the air

A volcano on the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean erupted, authorities reported Friday, sending ash plumes 20,000 feet into the air.
2021-04-09 18:05:40

Saint Vincent volcano: Island awakes to ash and sulphur smell

Inhabitants of St Vincent wake up to "extremely heavy ash fall" after the La Soufri?re volcano erupted.
2021-04-10 18:06:31

'Extremely heavy ash fall' as authorities report third explosion at volcano in St. Vincent

The La Soufri?re volcano on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent erupted a third time on Friday, according to officials.
2021-04-10 23:06:12

Ash falls like snow after St Vincent volcano eruption

Huge plumes of smoke filled the sky above the Caribbean island, forcing thousands from their homes.
2021-04-10 23:06:34

St Vincent volcano: Power cuts after another 'explosive event'

Monitors report another "explosive event" at a volcano on the now ash-covered Caribbean island of St Vincent.
2021-04-11 10:06:26

St. Vincent suffers power outage after La Soufri?re volcano erupts

There has been a massive power outage on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent where La Soufri?re volcano began erupting Friday, St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Emergency Management Organization reported Sunday.
2021-04-11 23:05:39

St Vincent volcano: Eruptions likely in coming days, experts warn

The Caribbean island of St Vincent has been blanketed in ash after the La Soufri?re volcano erupted.
2021-04-12 06:06:11

St Vincent volcano: Island covered in layer of grey as La Soufriere erupts

La Soufriere, on the island of St Vincent, has been erupting for the past five days.
2021-04-14 14:07:22

St Vincent volcano: UN warns humanitarian crisis will last months

Thousands have fled their homes on the island of St Vincent as a volcano continues to erupt.
2021-04-15 03:06:06

Volcano erupts for a second time on Caribbean island of St. Vincent

The La Soufri?re volcano on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent erupted for a second time Friday, according to the country's National Emergency Management Organization, NEMO.
2021-04-15 16:29:10

St Vincent volcano: 'We don't know if we can go home'

Volcanic eruptions force residents from their homes and leave much of the island blanketed in ash
2021-04-15 21:06:47

'Extremely heavy ash fall' as authorities report third explosion at volcano in St. Vincent

The La Soufri?re volcano on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent erupted a third time on Friday, according to officials.
2021-04-15 22:05:49

St. Vincent suffers power outage after La Soufri?re volcano erupts

There has been a massive power outage on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent where La Soufri?re volcano began erupting Friday, St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Emergency Management Organization reported Sunday.
2021-04-16 03:05:56

St Vincent volcano: ?A horrifying 72 hours?

Musician Dan Caplen is in Saint Vincent and shows the impact of the recent volcanic eruption.
2021-04-16 12:06:22

Indonesian sub goes missing north of Bali

There are 53 people on board the submarine which is feared to have sunk.
2021-04-21 13:06:18

Indonesian Navy searches for missing submarine with 53 people on board

Indonesia's Navy is searching for a missing submarine with 53 people on board that went missing on Wednesday and is seeking help from neighboring Australia and Singapore in the hunt, according to Indonesia's military chief.
2021-04-21 15:05:41

Indonesia races to find missing submarine before it runs out of oxygen on Saturday

Concerns were mounting Thursday over the fate of an Indonesian submarine that went missing with 53 crew members on board, as a military official warned the vessel would run out of oxygen in three days.
2021-04-22 13:05:41

Indonesia races to find missing submarine before it runs out of oxygen on Saturday

Concerns were mounting Thursday over the fate of an Indonesian submarine that went missing with 53 crew members on board, as a military official warned the vessel would run out of oxygen in three days.
2021-04-22 21:05:45


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